
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You like me!! You really like me!!!

I apologize in advance, but I must shout!


My friend Jennie B gave me an award! YAY!

It sure did make my dull day brighter. Her son is right "She is the best gal ever"

Ok, so here's what I must do:

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

So here's who I am choosing:
1. Tori over at the sweet jelly bean
2. The Clan Piccini at The Clan Piccini
3. Michelle at Second Chances
4. All the ladies at The Misfits Guide to Motherhood (I do blog on this one as well, but I'm not the only one. The other moms on there have some really great stories)

Satchel Giveaway!!

So for some odd reason I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Not quite sure why (well, I am, but I don't really want to share ALL of the random thoughts running through my head-I don't want to bore you to death).
Well, long story short, I decided it would be a good thing to get up and shower (you're welcome) and then pop on the computer and see what's happening in blog land.

So I got on the internet (fun thing) and stopped over to my friend Jennie B's at Learning to Adjust which linked me to her friend's blog which is I know, right?! that then linked me to The Sweet Jelly Bean who is having a really great giveaway on these AWESOME Satchels! I personally looooooovvveee #11!

Check it out!

Monday, February 9, 2009

4 by 4

My good friend Jennie over at Learning to Adjust tagged me in a fun picture game. So I thought I should play.

But first the rules:

  1. Go to the fourth folder in your picture folder

  2. Find the fourth picture

  3. Post it

  4. Tell the story

Simple right! So let's see what we come up with!

This picture was taken at WalMart in Balsam Lake, WI. She is wearing her first Easter dress and she did NOT want to smile for the camera at all. I look back at it now and I can't believe how BALD she was!

Awww...I miss my little baby!

I will have to come back later and tag some folks but first I must figure out their blog addresses....hmmmm

Friday, February 6, 2009


When you have a child, communication is key. If you don't have communication, the shi.....stuff can really hit the fan.

Today while Zabba was going potty first thing in the morning, it didn't sound right. I asked her if her butt hurt (meaning is she constipated) and she said yes. I tried to rack my brain and the last time she went that I could recall was on Monday. Well, I gave her some medicine sent her off to daycare.

I called daycare when I got to work because I had forgot to tell the daycare provider about me giving her some medicine to "help" her along. I found out that she had went to the bathroom yesterday-this is where communication would have really come in handy.

I went to pick up Zabba from daycare and she had on a different outfit than what I sent her in. I said "Uh Oh" was there an accident.

Aparently the laxative took effect while she was their bed. Oooops. She ruined their $100.00 bed spread and her new outfit she had on today.

Again, I repeat...communication is key.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mommy! I got DOG HAIR!!!

Our boxer, Princess Ilean, is in the process of shedding her winter coat. This means that there is dog hair EVERYWHERE in my home. Well, my husband and my daughter are a little (a lot) OCD about getting dog hair on their clothes and get irritated that she would be so rude as to get some hair on them while they are...*gasp* petting her.

Well, Abby was standing at the top of the stairs and Princess was standing next to her waiting patiently for her to go down the stairs and below is the conversation that ensued:

Abby yelled "OH NO!!! MooooOOOOmmmYYY!!!"
Me: "What sweetie"
A: "Princess got DOG HAIR on me"
M: "Oh no! What are you going to do?!"
A: "Shave the dog."